Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dia de Accion de Gracia

Yesterday was Thanksgiving!!!  Don’t worry my fellow Americans, I did indeed get to have turkey.  The day started off at school, where my students enthusiastically told me “Happy Thanksgiving!”  During English class, I answered questions they had about our day of Thanks and how it came to be.  I started off the class by asking, “What can some of you tell me about Thanksgiving that you’ve seen from T.V?”  They all pretty much immediately responded with, “You eat turkey!”  I had to laugh as they used their hands to show how big they think the turkey is that we eat.  The gestures would make you think that we eat a small cow, which was quite exaggerated.    

I explained the Pilgrims coming over to the United States and the students all had a fun time talking with me about it.  They asked why Spain didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving and were pretty amused by my elated description of my favorite Thanksgiving food, Stuffing.  I make my grandmother’s recipe and this year it turned out pretty well!  I found all the spices I needed and enjoyed making it very much. 

Many American’s who I had been talking too were worried about finding the proper ingredients to make the delicious food we’ve grown accustom too.  Those who had been living in Madrid for a couple of years, shared insight on how to have a proper thanksgiving and also a store called “Taste of America.”  This store is full of imported items from America and had canned pumpkin, bread crumbs, Duncan Hines baked goods and PEANUT BUTTER!!!  Everything was completely overpriced and I won’t be able to make it a regular part of my grocery shopping, but for the holidays it was nice to know. 

Speaking of which, Christmas is coming up around the corner!  How did this happen so fast?  I’m looking forward to it and seeing my family……as of right now, there are 22 days, 18 hours and 39 minutes until they are in Spain with me….no I don’t have a countdown on my phone that I check regularly………

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